Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The Two-Man Macbeth

Last week I attended a two-man performance of Macbeth. This was my first time seeing Macbeth, however, I had always been under the impression that it was supposed to have more of a serious tone to it. That was not the case in this performance. The story did not change, but the actors were able to introduce a lighter tone to the performance. The staging and the set were also instrumental in making this such an interesting interpretation of the play.

As far as Macbeth goes, there is a lot of death and deception. It is not a happy play. In the two-man performance I attended, the actors did a lot to cause the audience to laugh. Occasionally one of the performers would go up to a member of the audience and speak as though they were a servant of other character in the play. The actor would then hold up a piece of paper to the audience member, so they could say their line. I was impressed how entertaining that was.

There was also a point when Macbeth and Lady Macbeth enter a banquet. Instead of entering in a formal manner, they each entered alone and struck an over-the-top pose. This was clearly done to accentuate how great Macbeth thought he was, but it also served to lighten the mood.

The set consisted of a wooden table, two wooden stools, some lights on either side of the stage, and three canvas panels at the back with lights behind them. The performers were able to adjust the set mid-scene if needed. They were also able to eliminate the time it takes to switch between scenes. All they needed to do was tip the table or either of the stools on its side, or they could stack them and move them around the stage. It was very simple and efficient.

My favorite, was the use of the canvas panels that were at the back of the set. The staging for those was great. Each time Macbeth spoke to his hired assassins, he moved to the back of the stage and stood in front of the light that was shining through the canvas. The light made it look like we were just seeing the silhouettes of the assassins and Macbeth. It gave a feel that they were dealing behind closed doors and that they were having secret meetings that nobody was supposed to know about. I found it fairly effective.

I enjoyed my first viewing of Macbeth. I worry that I will be disappointed if I see any other interpretations of it.

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